What is the ASCII value of m?

ASCII Value of m: An Informal Introduction

Have you ever wondered how computers understand the letters and symbols we use in everyday life? Well, it’s all thanks to a secret code known as ASCII! In this article, we’ll be diving deep into the world of ASCII and uncovering the mysterious value of the letter ‘m’. So, get ready to unravel the hidden number behind this commonly used letter!

Unveiling the Mysterious ASCII Code for ‘m’

ASCII, which stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard that assigns a unique number to each character. It allows computers to represent and process text in a standardized way. But what about the letter ‘m’? What is its secret ASCII value?

Let’s Decode: What’s the ASCII Value of ‘m’?

To reveal the ASCII value of ‘m’, we need to turn to our handy ASCII table. This table lists all the characters and their corresponding ASCII values. For ‘m’, the decimal value is 109. However, keep in mind that computers understand numbers in binary, so the binary representation of ‘m’ is 01101101.

CharacterASCII Value

Now, you may be wondering, why is the ASCII value for ‘m’ 109? Well, the ASCII values were assigned based on the order of characters in the English alphabet. ‘a’ has the value of 97, ‘b’ has 98, and so on. Since ‘m’ is the 13th letter in the alphabet, its ASCII value is 109 (97 + 13).

The Hidden Number: ASCII Code for the Letter ‘m’ Revealed

So, there you have it! The ASCII value for the letter ‘m’ is 109. This little number may seem insignificant, but it plays a crucial role in allowing computers to understand and process text. The next time you type an ‘m’ on your keyboard, remember that behind that simple letter lies a hidden code that makes it all possible!


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